Healthy Sleep Habits Through Technology

Healthy Sleep Habits Through Technology-image

Our electronic world now offers help for our sleep-deprived society.  An electronic sleep monitor will rest under your pillow or your wrist. It gathers information while you sleep and synchronizes that information to your smart phone.

Why would you do that? You may be spending 8 hours in bed every night but using an app will tell you whether you are sleeping well. Feedback from the data may show only 3 hours of restful sleep out of the 8 hours in bed. That is why you feel drowsy and uninspired all-day. The apps are useful because most people are not aware of their sleep deprivation.

Armed with the monitor data you can begin to make changes that will insure you get the recuperative rest you need. Eventually, you may be able to get it in fewer hours. It could take a little time to recognize and adjust your sleep quality issues. Snoring, frequent bathroom visits or sleep apnea may require a visit to a doctor. Such treatable conditions, if ignored, may become serious health issues. Chronic sleep deprivation is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and dementia.

Your sleep monitor has signaled you are not getting quality sleep. Your doctor has successfully treated any physical causes for poor sleep. Now adopt a routine that will insure habits and outside influences do not rob you of your rest. Trial and error will reveal habits harmful to your personal night’s sleep. However, most will benefit from habits known to improve sleep quality. Adopt them for yourself and for your children as well.

Top ten ways develop healthy sleep habits:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night in a cooled room.
  2. Turn off lights, T.V., radios, e-readers and phone message beeps.
  3. Make your last snack two hours before bed and make it sugar and caffeine free.
  4. Exercise each day, but not during the last few hours before bed.
  5. If the six o’clock political news gets you agitated watch it a.m. instead of p.m.
  6. Move your left over “to do’s” to tomorrow and dismiss today’s.
  7. Before bed, meditate or pray to calm your mind and let go of the day.
  8. Warm baths or showers make some people drowsy but stimulate others.
  9. The comfort of your mattress (we highly recommend the Live and Sleep memory foam mattress!), pillows and sheets should be a spending priority.
  10. Alcohol and nicotine will negatively influence the quality of your sleep.

There is one more consideration. Your sleep partner may be the cause of your interrupted sleep. If your husband snores or your wife is experiencing the joys of menopause, then both of you are losing sleep. Do not make it a Valentines gift but give your sleep partner a sleep monitor. Do not throw elbows or pillows in the night. Kindly ask for their cooperation to achieve a healthy sleep life. You will both be happier.

This website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Live & Sleep is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health.